Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Darkness Is Nigh!

The ninth edition of the Toronto After Dark Film Festival starts its nine-day run of insane programming tonight.

Apart from the 31st, this festival is the highlight of my October every year. I'm excited to see several of the films in the line-up this year, including tonight's Opening Gala screening of New Zealand's newest horror offering Housebound.

But, as I announced earlier, this year has extra significance because my newest short film is playing TAD this year.

The Monitor will be screening in front of the Elijah Wood thriller Open Windows at 7pm on Mon, October 20th at The Scotiabank Theatre. If you make it, please come over and say hi, either at the theatre or afterwards at Pub After Dark.

With all the madness of the next week or so, posts will be light, but I promise to whip up some, after the dust settles, covering the films I most enjoyed at this year's TAD, as well as my experiences next Monday evening. Until then, have a great weekend!

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