Monday, March 18, 2019

R.I.P. John Carl Buechler 1952-2019

I was deeply saddened to hear about the passing of director and special effects legend John Carl Buechler today. He was 66.

R.I.P. John Carl Buechler

Buechler's name belongs right up against Baker, Bottin and Winston as his fingerprint was on countless horror titles I devoured as a kid, including From Beyond, Dolls, Nightmare 4, Ghoulies and later on, Hatchet. He worked for indie titans Charles Band and Roger Corman, even directing such titles as Troll, Cellar Dweller and Friday the 13th Part VII that introduced us to the best incarnation of Jason Voorhees imho.

Buechler with Kane Hodder.

I was really chuffed to see how the horror community rallied around him when family members set up a GoFundMe to help pay for his medical bills as he battled the cancer that eventually took him from us. R.I.P. Mr. Buechler. You will be missed, but fortunately you left behind a tremendous body of work for us to forever enjoy.

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