In addition to the usual reviews and comments you would find on a horror movie blog, this is also a document of the wonderfully vast horror movie section of the video store I worked at in my youth.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Oh It's A Party All Right!

I'm relatively recovered from last weekend's 24-Hour Mind Melter on There were many highlights over the course of the marathon, but one that is likely going to become an October staple is David Skowronski's Halloween Party. Essentially, it's a SOV slasher shot by high-schoolers in 1989 that is every bit as endearing as it sounds. I believe it even aired on public access in Connecticut. Check it out below.

The thirty-eight minute runtime includes a blooper reel - which adorably has the director yell, “Mommmm you're in the shot!” - and a post credits Monster Mash lip synch performance. This is perfect to double bill with Chris LaMartina's WNUF Halloween Special.

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