For anyone who likes engaging and thought provoking cinema, Day Night Day Night is a must watch.
*zip.ca is the Canadian equivalent of Netflix.
"Practically everything in this story has been done before – and done better at that."
I'm not going to let that deter me though. How are you really supposed to seriously judge a horror film from a mysteriously acquired script? And a SAM RAIMI film at that. You could have also read the script of The Evil Dead and said, this sounds like there's nothing to it. And we all know how that turned out, don't we? Frankly, Raimi's strength has always been how he TELLS a story and not necessarily the story itself. Regardless of the nayayers over at Latino Review, I'm not going to make any assumptions until I see a trailer.
To see the Latino Review script review, click here.
That's it for now kiddies. Until next time, keep those strait jackets handy.
Circa 1996
Anyone who played the first Resident Evil remembers when that zombie dog smashes through the window. It was probably the first time a VIDEO GAME made you jump five feet into the air. I was with a few friends, playing it in the dark on a big screen TV and we screamed like little girls when it happened. Sure, the live action intro was cheesy and the voice acting atrocious, but man did it get ever your blood going when those zombies came shambling toward you and all you had was a lockpick.
Sept 2000
It was an ex-girlfriend that turned me onto the Toronto International Film Festival. Until that point, I didn’t even know it was open to the public. Thanks be to her because it was there that I discovered the Midnight Madness programme. Over the last eight years, I have seen numerous fantastic offerings like Haute Tension, Bubba Ho-tep and Cabin Fever. The day the lineup is announced each year always feels like Christmas to me.
Aug 2004
Now, I mentioned that Fangoria came here in 1991, but after that never again. I always wondered about that because the turnout was good from what I remember. Then, in 2004, the Toronto based horror mag Rue Morgue brought horror back to the Big Smoke. There had been a Sci-Fi/Comic Expo happening annually for several years and Rue Morgue fashioned a piggyback horrorcon – or Festival Of Fear – onto that. Kudos to them because this event is extraordinary and always packed full of cool things to do and see – on and off site.
Okay, that’s it. I had to narrow it down to those. Trust me, I have many more tales to tell, but you're probably already asleep.
I feel better now. Less jaded. How about you?
A personal fave - so much so I "liberated" it before I left.
That last one was cool because it had a LED lights for the creature’s eyes that flashed when you pressed a button on the coverbox. Well… I thought it was cool. I was happy for anything that kept me amused during those long, boring shifts.
Now, as a film, Emily Rose has more entertainment value, but it is its German counterpart that is the more accurate account. It also helps that Requiem takes place in the same locale and time period of the original event.