In addition to the usual reviews and comments you would find on a horror movie blog, this is also a document of the wonderfully vast horror movie section of the video store I worked at in my youth.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

DKTM 203

Hello all. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and were able to charge your batteries some. Here's what I have for you on these dwindling days of 2013.

Playing With Jason.

Check out this cool game controller for the Playstation 4, made by valentino42.

What's even cooler is that this guy posted how to make your own over at A bang up job; one that I'd love to see undertaken with some other slasher icons. I mean, come on, can you not see a red & green striped controller to accompany this one?

Red on White.

Thanks to Fearnet, I came across the ceramic stylings of Danish artist Maria Rubinke.

Her work reminds me of Jessica Harrison's, but instead of merely modifying existing figurines into works of grisly art, Rubinke creates hers from scratch, which would explain her incredibly vast output. Rubinke's website is still under construction, but you can still see more on her Facebook page by clicking here.

This Will Not End Well.

I came across a red band trailer for the new film Lucky Bastard recently, which you can see below.

I have to commend filmmakers that keep coming up with interesting new ways to employ the “found footage” device. After seeing two ghastly Valentine's Day release trailers in front of Her yesterday, I feel this will clean the palette nicely.

That it for now, but please check back tomorrow for my 2013 wrap-up post.

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