In addition to the usual reviews and comments you would find on a horror movie blog, this is also a document of the wonderfully vast horror movie section of the video store I worked at in my youth.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

DKTM 211

Hello all. I just woke up after a nap following Canada's hockey gold performance in Sochi. It was about the only thing (save from a film shoot) that could get me up at six a.m. on a Sunday, so I'm glad it was worth it. Anyhoo, following last week's archives posts, I thought I'd keep today's festivities heavy on the VHS, as well. Enjoy.


I found an old Deviantart post from Matt McEver this week, that brought a nostalgic tear to my eye. Below is a huge poster made up of about nine hundred horror VHS covers that would have been available in your local video store's horror section circa 1989.

Right click to enlarge.

Apparently Matt made this for a friend as part of a wedding present. Man, if only we could all have friends like these! I have an idea how long this must have taken him, as it reminds me of the labourious hours I spent fashioning my thousandth-post video some years ago.


VHS may be a dead format in the eyes of many, but two French artists named Patrick Massobrio and Nan (whom I discovered by way of FearNet) have decided to use those crusty black boxes for their own artistic endeavours. Check out the following pieces below;

To visit their website, which includes all manner of oddities, click here.

The Women In Red.

I regretfully realized that Women In Horror Recognition Month had almost passed me by when I saw this year's WIHM Masive Blood Drive PSA this week. With the help of contributors that included The Soska Twins, Jessica Cameron and Hannah Neurotica, this year's ad focuses on the amount of blood needed to survive various nasty mishaps. Check it out below.

Stay safe, kids.

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