In addition to the usual reviews and comments you would find on a horror movie blog, this is also a document of the wonderfully vast horror movie section of the video store I worked at in my youth.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

DKTM 169

Well, that was one hell of a storm. The last time we had a snowfall like that, this blog was in its infancy. Life, however, must go on and now that we're all dug out, here's the news.

He's A Big Box Wizard.

Charles Band is a man who needs no introduction to anyone who would read this blog. He began his career at the dawn of home video and has either directed, produced or distributed hundreds of horror titles over his long career. Recently, while cleaning out one of his old warehouses, he came across something truly remarkable. Here below, is the story straight from the man himself.

I love this video because it also serves as a mini-documentary about the genesis of home video, as well as a promotional piece to hock his wares. For more info on the sale, click here.

The Dead Return.

The Walking Dead returns from its mid-season hiatus this evening and all week AMC has had their hype machine cranked to eleven. For the last several days, Toronto's Union Station has been host to this little display.

For a closer look, check out this video courtesy of sajak551.

Michonne McFarlan'd.

Staying on the topic of TWD, McFarlaneToys recently unveiled this little piece of awesomeness.

Right click to enlarge.

This 14.5” Resin statue is limited to 1500 pieces and will set you back three-hundred bones. Pre-orders start tomorrow, so click here if you want more info.

That's it for now. If you'll excuse me, I have some necromorphs to strategically dismember.

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