In addition to the usual reviews and comments you would find on a horror movie blog, this is also a document of the wonderfully vast horror movie section of the video store I worked at in my youth.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

24. The Mountebank

So, here it is... the fruit of our twenty-four hour labour has finally been posted on the YouTubes. It looks like Darrin tweaked the title and end credits before he threw it up there, but this is essentially the cut that was shown last Wednesday. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Wow! That was creepy, I wondered why the guy was acting so disinterested in her.

- Zac

PS: When was this made? What is this Toronto thingamajig you're talking about?

Jay Clarke said...

It was made in April 2008. Here's the rundown post from Apr 14.

The Film Race is a twice-yearly contest where you write, shoot and edit a four-minute short in 24 hours. There is one coming to Calgary, you should get a group together and shoot something, it's tons of fun!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I saw that...I don't have the gumption nor the technical panache to set up a short film - but I'm scouring craigslist for anyone that wants me!

- Zac