In addition to the usual reviews and comments you would find on a horror movie blog, this is also a document of the wonderfully vast horror movie section of the video store I worked at in my youth.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

DKTM 201

I'm feeling a bit under the weather - and by that I mean not only in health, but also the two feet of snow outside - so I'll keep it brief today.

Pretty Pictures.

Here are some sick art pieces I saw over the course of the week.

“Major Toht” by Jason Edminston for Crazy 4 Cult Show.

“Colonel Dietrich” by Jason Edminston for Crazy 4 Cult Show.

Poster art by Chris Weston for 5ReelFilm

Poster art by Dan Panosian.

Dine In Style.

Here are some cool horror-inspired lunchboxes designed by the awesome site Kindertrauma.

You can see the rest by clicking here.

Playing With Fear.

I found this cool little video on the history of horror video gaming this week. It was a pitch reel for a documentary called Playing With Fear.

For more info on the doc, click here.


Michael Shaye said...

The melting scene from Raiders always looked so fake.

Jay Clarke said...

If by fake, you mean awesome, then yes!