In addition to the usual reviews and comments you would find on a horror movie blog, this is also a document of the wonderfully vast horror movie section of the video store I worked at in my youth.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Don't Kill The Messenger XXX

That's #30. Get your mind out of the gutter. Welcome to the hungover edition of DKTM. Let's get right to it, the couch is beckoning.

Fantastic Trailers Abound.

Fantastic Fest is underway in Austin, TX and to celebrate they (and G4) have been holding a competition called UWE BOLL'S TOTALLY AWESOME VIDEO GAMES. Entrants are charged with creating a faux-trailer for a video game movie adaptation to be judged by the Dr. Boll himself. Here below are some of my favourite submissions.

Can You Hear Me Now?

The invention of cell phone technology has been the bane of horror movie screenwriters everywhere. But fear not, for every new problem births an accompanying cliché. Behold!

Thanks AOTS!

Cronenberg + MC Hammer = Internet Gold.

I don't know how they ever thought to do this, but I'm glad they did. Click on the image to be redirected. Sorry, the sound seems to be a little off for some reason.


Wally.Wonka said...

Hey Jay,
Just discovered your blog about 3 weeks ago and it's taken me that long to read through it in work.
Thanks for the entertainment and I shall carry on reading from here on in.

DirtyRobot said...

I feel that I must point out, as my 'job' rarely shows this kind of film, that the Cinematheque Ontario (at the AGO in Toronto) is screening VIDEODROME on 35mm next month, Thursday October 22nd.

Jay Clarke said...

Wally - Glad you had some time to peruse the archives. It's funny, you read them at work, I WROTE most of them at work!

DR - Awesome, I shall try to be there.