In addition to the usual reviews and comments you would find on a horror movie blog, this is also a document of the wonderfully vast horror movie section of the video store I worked at in my youth.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Skinny Puppy's Horror Show

Skinny Puppy, one of my favourite bands of all time is coming to town tomorrow and I can’t wait. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that I – the lover of all things horror – am a huge fan as their dark soundscapes as they're often horrors in themselves, even without all the genre movie samples that populate their music. I’ve posted about this before, but with their concert date imminent, I wanted to go into more detail and showcase my favourites. Now, at first I thought this post was going to be an insane amount of work because of all the capturing I’d have to do from multiple sources. However, after some searching around YouTube, I found a few users had already done a lot of the work for me. So, I want to give shout-outs to billynair, dvsoldier, Jennifer1023 & especially radi0n for making this a lot easier on me. So, let’s get on with it, shall we? These are my top ten favourite movie samples from Skinny Puppy songs. Apart from the few instances where they have been mixed together, I will have the original song on top, with its corresponding source(s) underneath. I’ll roll out five today and the rest tomorrow. Enjoy!

10: Song - The Choke; Source - Roman Polanski's The Tenant

The Tenant shows up a lot in Skinny Puppy's work, they even named a song on their album VIVISectVI after Isabelle Adjani's character Stella.

Song - 200 Years; Source - The Twilight Zone Episode "Elegy"

The Twilight Zone was an incredibly influential show and this is the first of two occasions it appears on this list.

Song - Deep Down Trauma Hounds; Source - Looney Tunes Episode "Water, Water Every Hare"

I always knew it was a Bugs Bunny cartoon, but it took me years upon years to actually find the right one. Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse was the first Skinny Puppy album that I ever listened to, so naturally it appears a total of four times on this list. The other samples in this song are from an episode of Perry Mason.

7: Song - Love; Source - The Legend Of Hell House

This is probably my favourite instrumental work of theirs. The layering of sounds here is just brilliant. Skinny Puppy were obviously big fans of the film as samples also popped up in several songs on Bites and Remission.

6: Song - Who's Laughing Now?; Source - Evil Dead 2

It's not hard to see why this is one of my favourites. The gratuitous dismemberment of Sam Raimi's classic fits in well with the themes of Skinny Puppy's album VIVISectVI.

Be sure to check back tomorrow when I reveal the final five entries on the list.

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