In addition to the usual reviews and comments you would find on a horror movie blog, this is also a document of the wonderfully vast horror movie section of the video store I worked at in my youth.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Big News!

Actually, it's kind of huge. My latest short film, The Monitor will be premiering at the Toronto After Dark Film Festival later this month!

I am beside myself with excitement right now. I attended the first edition of TAD as an audience member, and now, nine years later, I'll be going as a “filmmaker”. It's crazy. But a good crazy.

There is a great crop of shorts playing this year, including two of my recent favourites from DIFF, Strange Thing & Dead Hearts, as well as a few I've been waiting to see, like Everything and Everything and Everything, He Took His Skin Off For Me and Foxed.

I don't know exactly when The Monitor will screen at the fest, but you can be sure I will let you all know when it does. If you happen to be in town, please come on by. Lastly, check out this new 2014 sizzle reel from TAD programmer Justin McConnell.


Belial Bradley said...
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Jay Clarke said...

Thanks! It's pretty surreal...