In addition to the usual reviews and comments you would find on a horror movie blog, this is also a document of the wonderfully vast horror movie section of the video store I worked at in my youth.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

DKTM 311

Hey all. This edition of Don't Kill the Messenger is going to be decidedly retro. Here's what I've got for you this week.


A while back, I spoke of an indie comics project from the UK called Slashermania. The brainchild of Russell Hillman, he seeks to combine the best elements of Friday the 13th and The Running Man into one big, well, Slashermania.

The Kickstarter campaign has just begun, so check out the pitch trailer below.

If this seems like your bag, check out the campaign page by going here.

Viva Giallo!

Last year at Sitges saw the premiere of Luciano Onetti's modern giallo, Francesca. Now, it is set to be released on home video by Unearthed Films on September 27th. Check out the Blu-ray artwork and trailer below.


Here is the new poster for Rob Zombie's newest flick 31

As we all know, Zombie is pretty hit and miss, but I'm still interested in checking this one out, even if it does look more like 1000 Corpses than Devil's Rejects. 31 is set to be released on October 21st.

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