In addition to the usual reviews and comments you would find on a horror movie blog, this is also a document of the wonderfully vast horror movie section of the video store I worked at in my youth.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Don't Kill The Messenger XXXVI

New UK Horror.

Here below is a new trailer for Nick Cohen's upcoming horror flick The Reeds. It's hard to tell whether the antagonist is man, beast or perhaps both, but it looks pretty solid to be sure.

Oh Happy, Dark Days.

Things are looking good for that 30 Days Of Night sequel. Not only does it have Kiele Sanchez (Lost) and Mia Kirshner (The L Word), but now Bloody Disgusting brings news that Katherine Isabelle has just been cast.

Now, that's a threesome I can, ahem, sink my teeth into. Click here for the full story.

Cronenberg Rules.

While surfing around, I found a list of top sci-fi-horror films on Top10Films. It should not be surprising that Canadian icon David Cronenberg owns. Click here to check it out.


DirtyRobot said...

Dear Sir, you're assessment of the 30 DAYS OF NIGHT sequel is sorely missing one important element, cast member and my future ex-wife Diora Baird!
She's also been Twittering from the set. (@diorabaird1)

Jay Clarke said...

NICE! The more the merrier!!!

Chief Brody said...

Thanks for finding our Top Science-Fiction Horror list and linking your readers to it, Jay. You've got yourself a great blog here, I especially love the header image - there's a nostalgic flutter in the tummy as I'm reminded of my old VHS collection. Oh, those were the days!

Now, I'm off to read some of your reviews.