Okay, only five more sleeps until the big day! Let's get right down to it, shall we?
After Dark's A Comin'
About a month ago, I posted a trailer for a neat looking British flick called The Reeds. Well, After Dark films announced that The Reeds is the seventh film in this year's 8 Films To Die For lineup. Here below is a still for the film.
After Dark's A Comin'
About a month ago, I posted a trailer for a neat looking British flick called The Reeds. Well, After Dark films announced that The Reeds is the seventh film in this year's 8 Films To Die For lineup. Here below is a still for the film.

I found a link to this wonderfully creepy little animated short called Alma on Twitch this week. Check it out below while you can because it will only be online for a short time. For more info on Alma, click here.
Oh, that Calvin.
Calvin & Hobbes have been gone for many years now, but the comics will always be there to entertain us. I found a fun 'Snowman' collection that Digg user MrBabyMan posted yesterday. Click on the image for the full gallery.
I found a link to this wonderfully creepy little animated short called Alma on Twitch this week. Check it out below while you can because it will only be online for a short time. For more info on Alma, click here.
Oh, that Calvin.
Calvin & Hobbes have been gone for many years now, but the comics will always be there to entertain us. I found a fun 'Snowman' collection that Digg user MrBabyMan posted yesterday. Click on the image for the full gallery.

Hey I watched Superstition. You're right it was awesome.
Nice! Glad to hear it was as good as I remember.
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