In addition to the usual reviews and comments you would find on a horror movie blog, this is also a document of the wonderfully vast horror movie section of the video store I worked at in my youth.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Don't Kill The Messenger 42

Okay, only five more sleeps until the big day! Let's get right down to it, shall we?

After Dark's A Comin'

About a month ago, I posted a trailer for a neat looking British flick called The Reeds. Well, After Dark films announced that The Reeds is the seventh film in this year's 8 Films To Die For lineup. Here below is a still for the film.

The Reeds joins Dread, Hidden, Lake Mungo, The Graves, ZMD and The Final, which also got a one-sheet recently.


I found a link to this wonderfully creepy little animated short called Alma on Twitch this week. Check it out below while you can because it will only be online for a short time. For more info on Alma, click here.

Oh, that Calvin.

Calvin & Hobbes have been gone for many years now, but the comics will always be there to entertain us. I found a fun 'Snowman' collection that Digg user MrBabyMan posted yesterday. Click on the image for the full gallery.


Bryce Wilson said...

Hey I watched Superstition. You're right it was awesome.

Jay Clarke said...

Nice! Glad to hear it was as good as I remember.