In addition to the usual reviews and comments you would find on a horror movie blog, this is also a document of the wonderfully vast horror movie section of the video store I worked at in my youth.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Shock Stock Haul.

Here, as promised are the goodies I brought back from Shock Stock.

Great cover!

One I've always heard of, but never seen.

Waterston, Quinlan, Kotto, Dysart & DeMunn. What a cast!

That last one I looked at because I'd previously seen the poster and thought it was cool. When I read the back and saw Robert “Deadly EyesClouse wrote and directed it, I knew it must be mine. I actually watched it last night, and it's pretty ace. Perhaps I'll review it, if laziness permits.

Also, I picked up a couple of DVD's from Suspect Video that were absolutely irresistible.

I've wanted to see the former since it played Fantasia a few years back, and the latter stars the late Nelson de la Rosa, the little guy from The Island of Dr. Moreau remake. You know, the “Look! Look at him!” guy!

This latest trove constitutes weeks of entertainment I'd say.

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