In addition to the usual reviews and comments you would find on a horror movie blog, this is also a document of the wonderfully vast horror movie section of the video store I worked at in my youth.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Last week, Vertigo released, as part of their eleven new #1's this fall, a new comic called Survivors' Club from writers Lauren Beukes & Dale Halverson.

The premise is quite brilliant actually. Imagine if all the survivors from your eighties horror tropes (the slasher, the killer doll, the vampire, the possessed machine et al) were all now living in the present day, broken and scarred from their childhood traumas. Then, imagine they were all brought together to fight an evil that had returned.

While it true, the first issue barely had enough time to introduce all six protagonists, I can immediately see the potential here. With a half-dozen origin stories to uncover, that holds a good deal of longevity. I also really dug the art by Ryan Kelly, especially the centerpiece splash page below;

Survivors' Club is pretty much a no-brainer for anyone who digs fresh interpretations of the eighties horror oeuvre. Th premiere issue is out now, with the second one due out Nov 4th.

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