Last night at the witching hour, Rue Morgue announced the guest lineup for this year’s Festival of Fear.

Having Robert Englund here this time around is pretty sweet. He is really the last remaining major horror name - save for legendary directors Carpenter, Raimi or Jackson - they could get to headline this event.

John Waters will be really interesting to see. He is one of the original midnight movie phenomenon auteurs – his after hours brethren Romero & Jodorowsky have appeared in previous years – so I think he will fit in quite nicely.

I was hoping Lance Henriksen would be back this year. FoF happens during his book tour for Not Bad for a Human, so it makes sense.

Malcolm McDowell was here a few years ago, but I’ll never tire of seeing one of my favourite actors of all-time. Hopefully, I’ll get to ask him about his fantastic mo-capping in Killzone 3.

Elvira aka Cassandra Peterson is back this year, as well. Though, I assume she will actually be in character this time, with her new show and all.

Tom Savini and Doug Bradley also return to Toronto this year. Like Bill Moseley last year, it is always great to catch up with them and see what they are working on now.
Other notable appearances include Eliza Dushku (Buffy, Dollhouse) Sam Trammell (True Blood) & Katie Sackhoff (Battlestar Galactica).
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