In addition to the usual reviews and comments you would find on a horror movie blog, this is also a document of the wonderfully vast horror movie section of the video store I worked at in my youth.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

DKTM 196

Hello all. Before my Toronto After Dark coverage begins tomorrow, I wanted to throw up a few bits of news.

Dirty Business.

The ABC's of Death 2 content submission short I co-wrote with my friend Mike Schwartz has been posted to the site. It is called M is for Manure, and I would love for you to take a gander. The image below will redirect you to the video. Please vote for it by clicking on the FB Like icon above the video.

The script to release process that took less than six weeks, which is pretty remarkable considering there was no money involved to grease the wheels. Hope you like it, and feel free to share this little nightmare with your friends and/or enemies.

Into The Wild.

Toronto After Dark isn't the only festival going on in Toronto right now. This Thursday is the latest edition of the WILDsound Film Festival. Showcasing the best in short films from around the world, it plays this Thursday evening at the Carelton Theatre. Of special note, is that Richard Powell's short Familiar will be screening as part of this program. 

Featuring effects from The Butcher Shop, it stars Robert Nolan as a man who discovers his inner voice may not be his own. Tickets are a mere four dollars and can be purchased here.


As I mentioned, it was Video Store Day yesterday. I didn't have a lot of time to spare with TAD going on, but I did manage to get to Eyesore and snag this little beauty!

Yep, she's a looker!

See all tomorrow with my review of the TAD opener, Jim Mickle's We Are What We Are.

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