I was able to check out some local
flavour at Toronto After Dark on Sunday, with Tricia Lee’s film
Silent Retreat.
Janey (Chelsea Jenish) is sent to a
rehabilitation center where no talking or communication with the
other residents is allowed at any time. She soon discovers that there
may be something more sinister afoot involving the retreat's overseer
The Doctor (Robert Nolan) and also the surrounding woods.
I was pleasantly surprised by this
film. The concept - of being isolated and surrounded by danger, but
not able to talk to anyone around you - was definitely the film’s
strongest attribute. The film featured several
scenes without dialogue and I thought it broke up the narrative
nicely. This device would have never worked however, without good performances
and Silent Retreat has several of them. Jenish and Sofia Banzhaf, as
Alexis, both gave heartfelt performances, showing off strength and
vulnerability in equal measure. Indie horror veteran Robert Nolan
also notches another devilish performance as The Doctor.
Silent Retreat was proof that solid
acting, a great locale and a good setup can go a long way, as the
third act does have its share of problems. There were some character decisions
that seemed a little extreme and there is an argument to be made that
the film needed the creature in the woods. The nefarious deeds of the Doctor
and his two sons were nefarious enough on their own, without adding
this extra element. I do understand that the creature facilitated the film's thematic cycle that you'll either buy or you won't, so it was really just a choice.
I had heard negative things about the
final reveal of said creature, but I was all right with it. I've been
involved in a lot of low budget productions and I can appreciate
their approach. Though not particularly elaborate or original, I'd
certainly take what Silent Retreat offered over CGI any day of the
week. The rest of the gore effects were well executed, and having
worked with Shaun Hunter on a few occasions, I know from experience
that he can do a lot with very little.
Director Tricia Lee (left) with cast & crew of Silent Retreat. |
Silent Retreat has its flaws, but there
is enough good here to warrant a watch. Lee already has several
projects under her belt and is quickly emerging as another strong
female voice in genre filmmaking.
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