Well, it looks like there was some positive movement on this Let The Right One In subtitles thing. After an explosion of angry press within the Internet film community over the last few days, it looks like Magnet stepped up and is going to rectify the situation. Here's some copy from their response to an inquiry made by Digital Bits.
"We've been made aware that there are several fans that don't like the version of the subtitles on the DVD/BR. We had an alternate translation that we went with. Obviously a lot of fans thought we should have stuck with the original theatrical version. We are listening to the fans feedback, and going forward we will be manufacturing the discs with the subtitles from the theatrical version."
Sounds good right? At least they're making an effort. Well, unfortunately here's the rub.
"There are no exchanges. We are going to make an alternate version available however. For those that wish to purchase a version with the theatrical subtitles, it will be called out in the tech specs box at the back/bottom of the package where it will list SUBTITLES: ENGLISH (Theatrical), SPANISH."
So, basically if you are one of those people who ran out to buy it (likely the film's biggest supporters), you are fucked. That's not such a good deal. Hopefully, this puts out a message to Magnet - and any other film distributor for that matter - that films deserve to be released in their ORIGINAL format.
Thanks to everyone who emailed me about the update.
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