With VHS becoming more and more rare these days, I'm always looking for places that still display it on their shelves proudly. Here's the first of what I hope to be a series of posts chronicling the dying breed of the VHS vendor.
I took a trip into Cambridge on Monday to meet up with Schwartz and check out a new video store that opened up around the corner from where he's living right now. What kind of video store could make me drive an hour, past fields of cows and rusted out school buses, you ask? Well, one called The Vault.

It is a specialty store catering specifically to genre cinema and carries not only DVD, but also a startling amount of VHS.
I took a trip into Cambridge on Monday to meet up with Schwartz and check out a new video store that opened up around the corner from where he's living right now. What kind of video store could make me drive an hour, past fields of cows and rusted out school buses, you ask? Well, one called The Vault.
It is a specialty store catering specifically to genre cinema and carries not only DVD, but also a startling amount of VHS.

As you can see, this place is pretty wicked. It's like stepping into a horror movie museum. It amazes me that a specialty business could survive in such a location, but Zack, the owner, assured us that it's been going well since he opened about six months ago. He, as I'm sure you can relate, was frustrated that there were no places to get old genre movies, so took it upon himself to make it happen.
The pictures speak for themselves, so if you are at all interested in genre cinema it is certainly worth the drive. Zack receives new stock on a weekly basis that often includes obscure donations from people trying to unload their 'junk'. All I know is, any place where I can acquire goodies such as these;
is tops in my book. For more info on The Vault, click here.
The next stop on my video shop tour is Pickering, as Zack told us that it is still a largely untapped resource when it comes to vintage VHS. Here's hoping that is the case.
Love the T2 laserdisc boxset in the second last pic. Maybe the best laserdisc ever.
The place looks great. Hope that they manage to pay the bills. I might even donate some stuff.
Shit, you should have checked out Gen X Video when you were in town. They are renting all their horror films for only 2 bucks now and they have a killer selection too.
Damn, I think I might just do that. Thanks for the heads up!
Gen X has a sad collection!! you probably havent heard of it because its not worth mentioning. Down to $2 a film now, wow. And still it must not be going well if your still looking for ways to advertise on other peoples pages and by using all of THE VAULT's glory. Got a thought. Dont go to Generation X, just come back to the place that counts for a second or third or fourth visit. The Vault is the only place that matters when it comes to Horror. See you soon!!!!!
Confidence! I like it!!!
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