In addition to the usual reviews and comments you would find on a horror movie blog, this is also a document of the wonderfully vast horror movie section of the video store I worked at in my youth.

Friday, February 3, 2012

WIHM: Axelle Carolyn

Next up, is writer/director/actress Axelle Carolyn. This Belgian-born beauty first came to my attention in 2009, when she released her first book entitled It Lives Again! Horror Movies in the New Millenium. Let’s face it, any book with Tomás on the cover is going to get my attention, but it was also through that that I came across her memorable appearance in Tristan Versluis’ grisly short film I Love You.

After acting in several shorts, including Jamie Hooper’s Vision (at bottom) and a few of her husband director Neil Marshall’s films, she has now been spending an increasing amount of time behind the camera.

Carolyn as Aeron in 2010's Centurion (right)

Carolyn directed her first two shorts, The Last Post & Hooked last year and after a successful Kickstarter campaign, just finished her most recent short, The Halloween Kid. I have been following her updates on the HK blog, and it looks like it's set to premiere at the International Children and Young People's Film Festival next month.

A while back, there was talk of her producing her own feature script, a ghost story called The Haunted - formerly The Ghost of Slaughterford - but I haven’t heard anything about it for quite sometime. She will, however, appear with Sean Pertwee and Tom Savini in Shaun Robert Smith’s upcoming horror action flick, The 4th Reich.

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