In addition to the usual reviews and comments you would find on a horror movie blog, this is also a document of the wonderfully vast horror movie section of the video store I worked at in my youth.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

V Is For...

Things are going to start getting nuts around here again. Toronto After Dark begins this Friday and I will be onhand to transcribe all the bloody goodness. The opening film - the Swedish vampire flick Let The Right One In - is one I have been waiting to see for many months now. To celebrate this bloodsucking opener, this week's Coverbox Wednesday is dedicated to the oldest and most profilic of all horror genres. Drink Up.


Anonymous said...

Those are some awesome covers. The FRIGHT NIGHT 2 one really brings back some memories. I remember cutting it up and putting the eyes in my part of my bedroom and the mouth in another. Now I look back and think I was an idiot for cutting it up like that.

Definitely one of the best VHS cover box postings yet. All of these really bring back that 80's video store feeling.


Anonymous said...

I know, I agree...back then, cheesy was mainstream.