When I was working at my video store in the early nineties, I discovered a film production company called Full Moon Entertainment. I think the first movie I ever saw of theirs was something called Shadowzone, but my obsession didn't kick into high gear until I saw Puppet Master II. From then on, it seemed like our store had a new release from them every few months and they certainly didn't skimp on the merch. My last trip into the archives, I brought out all of the Full Moon related stuff I accumulated at that time and I'll be throwing it up here all week long. Honesty, between the ages of ten and twenty I seriously don't think I threw a single thing away, so if you're a fan of Full Moon, you've come to the right place.
The first thing I have in abundance are posters. Now that my poster collection is all ready to go, here are some Full Moon releases from back in the day.
Arcade featured a young Seth Green and was written by David S. "Dark Knight" Goyer.

Directed by Stuart Gordon and starring Henriksen, Combs & Oliver Reed. EPIC!

My favourite!

In 1993, Full Moon created two more labels to offer more specialized genre titles. The first was Torchlight, which released soft-core sci-fi and comedies such as;
Take a closer look at that lineup above.

The second company was Moonbeam, which provided lighter fare for kids. You may be shocked to know I don't have a poster for Prehysteria.

Next, there are all the clippings. We would get magazines at the store from distributors hocking their wares, and Full Moon was among them.
I'm not sure where I acquired the cards below, but the Weekend Of Horrors I attended in 1991 would likely be a good guess.
That's it for today, but, like I said, I've got a lot more stuff to show you so check back tomorrow when I talk about Charles Band and joining the Full Moon Fan Club.
Awesome article! Full Moon is responsible for so many horror oddities, however it's HEAD OF THE FAMILY that will forever creep out from its strangeness. That film makes FREAKED look normal. :P
Haha, that's awesome!
Believe it or not "Beach Babes from Beyond" is available on Utorrent. Your welcome....next time you are over ;o). BTW love the Squid Lid, thx
Serena, I LOVE HEAD OF THE FAMILY! It is so awesome.
Jay, I am drooling over all the cool Full Moon stuff you have. I think I may have two of the Full Moon action figures.
...and it is very sad you do not have a Prehysteria poster. Loved that movie as a kid too.
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