In addition to the usual reviews and comments you would find on a horror movie blog, this is also a document of the wonderfully vast horror movie section of the video store I worked at in my youth.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

VSD Acquistions!

Hello all. I hope you had a fine Video Store Day yesterday, and we're able to pop round your local retailer. I was able to visit a quartet of fine establishments and here are the ghoulish delights I came away with.

First, I took a little drive out to Kitchener to a place called Far Out Flicks.

It was a bit of a trek in shitty weather, but hey, it was for a good cause. To my delight, they had a lot of VHS kickin' around their sizable space. I picked up the original - and most importantly unaltered - Star Wars Trilogy for eight bucks as well as these...

Next, it was a hop, skip and a jump to Hespeler, to visit Zack at The Vault. He had moved locations since I'd last been there, so I got turned around for a bit, but finally managed to find it.

His store still has as much character as it always did, with the best collection of horror VHS this side of the eighties.

He had a sweet 5-for-20 sale going on, so I made sure to take advantage.

I also picked up Bloody Moon on DVD. That's one I've always meant to see, and after recently seeing the trailer, it made eventually adding it to my collection inevitable.

Then, it was time to go back to the familiar stomping grounds of The Big Smoke. What Video Store Day would be complete without visiting the city's flagship independent Suspect Video.

After talking with Eastern (perhaps the most enthusiastic video store clerk you will ever meet) at length about The Thing prequel, the ABC's of Death and the intricacies of Oldboy, I picked up the newest issue of HorrorHound and...

Last on the tour was, of course Eyesore Cinema.

Dan, the owner was the mastermind behind this whole event in the first place. The store was hopping and he said, "If every day was like this, I would rent my movies for a dollar!" I quickly snagged these goodies.

I have to admit, grabbing the one on the left, I felt like a housewife seeing a tabloid in a grocery store checkout line. I couldn't resist.

So, that was my haul. It looks like 'the pile' just got a little taller. And I'm okay with that. Viva la Video Store Day!

1 comment:

DrunkethWizerd said... huh? Do Want!!